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BMHS lauds UK Government publication of new bill to reform Mental Health Act.

This is a landmark moment after many years of campaigning, and it will lead to a significant change in the treatment of people severely affected by mental illness.

This draft legislation to reform the Mental Health Act and to improve the way that people with a learning disability & autistic people are treated in law.

These are once-in-a-generation reforms, to give people greater control over their treatment and help ensure they receive the dignity and respect they deserve.

Alfred Oyekoya,  Director of BMHS said: "This is good news, the reform of the Mental Health Act is long overdue. This announcement is just the start of the legislative process and we will now scrutinise the draft Bill which provides the detail we need to understand and what new changes are proposed.

We sincerely hope this will cascade to the review of the Code of Practice for Mental Health in Wales"

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