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Race Equality Action Plan Imperatives

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

We are pleased to inform you that BMHS is organising a series of consultation meetings on behalf of the Welsh Government. The purpose is to contribute to the overall aims and objectives of the Race Equality Action Plan.

We would be seeking your views and thoughts on the Vision, Purpose and Values for an ‘Anti-Racist’ Wales. You will also be contributing to policy areas that will develop tangible goals, actions, and outcomes for the theme: Health and Social Care.

How the session works: We will provide a summary of the Race Equality Action Plan (in your preferred language) and ask you some questions.

All participants will be provided with a £10 Tesco Voucher as a Thank you.

For more information on participating in the session and confirming your availability, please email:

This is an easy read version with option to put down your thoughts.

BMHS will also provide £10 voucher or bank transfer for every completed form sent to

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